Green n fresh

Green n fresh
Cool the eyesight!!!

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

Thursday, 26 February 2009


Life is not as easy as A, B..C. Life is also not like a bed of roses..which it looks very beautiful but do not know its thorns could hurt people...sometime. So do with our life. It has another way of series which may lead people to happiness or may turn it to sadness. I found it that way where I had faced so many things which may make people suffer with it. But the thing happened because of human's mistake...our own mistake leads us to suffer for a short or long time. This is the price that we have to pay..the debt which we never know...hidden debt and now we have to cash it. Some people will cry together but more people will slowly leave us when we r in trouble...this is the fact...when we r in hardness, we will know who are exactly to call as a friend in need is a friend in deed....or vice verse..some time people are not afford to help us very much...apa ntah aku merapu petang2 ni....hari ni aku m.c, xsihat...semalam satu hari hidup aku kat skolah..pagi,petang n malam...semua skolah..skolah..skolah...mcm aku xde life lain lagi dah. kadang2 aku ada jugak rasa depressed dengan situasi ni..tapi malam td, bila sampai ke kelas, anak2 murid aku sempat wat lawak...n itulah pengubat utk aku stand still...teaching them. rasa terharu lihat sedikit sebyk kepayahan mereka untuk belajar..mereka bukan semua dari golongan betul2 cemerlang atau genius sejak lahir..mereka perlu berusaha gigih demi sebuah long as aku mampu bantu diorang..then I will be there................

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