Green n fresh

Green n fresh
Cool the eyesight!!!

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

Tuesday, 10 February 2009


<----- Ini bukan meja aku...ilusi semata-mata..heheheheh...meja aku kat office tu lagi kemas dr meja aku amik dr ntah mana2 website sekadar nak hias entry ni je...
Hi...Assalamualaikum....semoga diri aku n kalian pembaca (kalo ada yang berminat baca blog ni) sentiasa dirahmati Allah...dipermudahkan segala urusan..hendaknya..Almost 2 days I dissapeared...sank in my own world. Actually these few days I was quite busy...(bz ke atauaku yang suka wat2 sibuk..?)..The TOV exam just as a teacher I have to mark...their answer sheet...3 classes for English n 2 classes for chemistry...mostly answer are subjective...So..I might be drunk...or got headache after reading their answer students are not as excellent Alam Shah's student..or other tip top boarding school..they just as what they are...hardwork when it comes the right time...and most all the time they have a catalyst to be more hardworking...So...I had successfully marked for 3 classes for English..the rest are chemistry...pending for the action. Overall, marks they satisfaction. Thanks to Allah, my students did not pass up the blank answer sheet even they do not know how to spell to write...I never blame them for that weakness. My tasks at school increased day to day..sometime I have to push myself to work as fast as lightening...but am just an ordinary person...not an angel or even having a black magic ...just flick my finger than I can change or switch everything to be frog....hahahahahahah...every weekdays morning i will drift my 1000 cc circuit is always full of cow shit...( least aku bley blaja drift keta kat jalan kampung secara percuma..xperlu ke litar yang kena caj at least rm50/hour) every morning..I will vrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooo my cute black viva (actually it is belongs to my dad) my office..and I will arrive there in 10 minutes, my school is located near to beach..which every morning if I set off earlier, I can see the view of sun rise...very beautiful. Then in the evening, if I have some tasks to be finished by date line given, I will enjoy the sun set view along the way home...for this post, I don't have any pics to share...time quite limited for me to snap some may e for nest entry...ok..I am gonna do some work, and I should full stop my writing...till the hoping for the next breath to be back again.wsalam.

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