Green n fresh

Green n fresh
Cool the eyesight!!!

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Unachieveable.. agak lewat malam ni...petang tadi tertido...bangun oun agak lewat..around 6 something. Erm..y unachieveable? There are a lot of things in my mind..but it just there...whether it happens or not, that in very uncertain thing and unpredictable.
Dreams that still so-called dream....
  1. Wish to further study abroad....(where?when?how?)
  2. Wish to pursue for the next level (pending for action...what?where?)
  3. Wish to meet someone that can get along..understand each other .(what's for?who?no idea....)
  4. Wish to be better and better time to time... many wishes....dunno how to realise and how to make it...exactly dunno when it will come true..................Having this precious life is a wonderful gift even though without beloved person who had left me almost 17 years...Al-Fatihah....

1 comment:

  1. Salam..just visited your blog. Tapi tak sempat baca all the entries lagi as I was disturbed by my daughter... will be doing soon.
    So many wishes ! hope all of them will come true. The important thing is you must work for them..not just waiting and waiting for them to become true.
    Very nice blog..keep up writing…I’ll be your blog follower :-)
