Wif my fwen..Meng..on our way for Hari Raya..Oct 08.
Hi...world!!!!Am back again..to share..to tell..to write...anything wif anyone outside there..am not a good writer..or a good author..am not a professional journalist which can give an effective touch on my writing..am just an amateur writer...I wanna share wif everybody about the beginning of 2009....which is for me..it may be a good starting..but sometime could be bad..life is not only about what we have..but it includes the things we do..we see..we know...n many more..My career is now could be said at a good level...I never see things as a big problem until the people around bend it to be like that..and I definitely disagree wif the people who turns it bad. Every good work will be paid off..so believe it or not..we just have to do our best, don't care about all the parasite said..and you will see the things on a good view. I like my life right now..but I don't like the people who are going to be busy wif my life..who are going to interrupt into mine. I know who am I, I know what am gonna do..
My way is now open widely..my opportunity is open now, what I need to do just working hardly for it. I know this a right time for to do more n to give more. Ignore the things that can spoil me, just do things better and everything will be paid to me soon...hope this 2009 everything is better than before..my life will be more organized..and myself..will get my own happiness....InsyaAllah...
Ayah ibu ampunilah dosa kami semua Ayah ibu doakan kami dunia dan akhirat Dari kecil sehingga dewasa Kau menyayang dan sering memanja Menanam iman menyemaikan taqwa Mengajar kami muliakan agama Ayah ibu berkorban jiwa berkorban harta Ayah ibu semoga Allah tinggikan derajatmu Sebelum nyawa meninggalkan jasad Sebelum suria terbitnya di barat Kau amanahkan Al Qur'an dan sunnah Jadi panduan di akhir zaman Belaianmu masih terasa Ya Allah tempatkan mereka di syurga Kami cintakan Allah Kami kasihkan rasul Kami sayangkan Ayah Kami sayangi Ibu
Ayah dan ibu Itulah permulaan kami Dapatlah melihat bulan dan Matahari Ahai...Yang dikurniakan dari IlahiAhai...Ayah dan ibu lah Mesti dihormati Ayah dan ibu Wali dan juga keramat Pada mereka kita beri hormatAhai...Bagilah tunjuk ajar dan Nasihat Supaya hidup Supaya hidup kita akan selamat,,,
I miss my late mum very much....love seeker..
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