Green n fresh

Green n fresh
Cool the eyesight!!!

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

Wednesday, 24 February 2010


a bad workman always blames his tools,meaning?It is not the tools we use which make us good, but rather how we employ them,same goes to our life;everything our life was not totally caused by other people...just check n balance our self...find the initial did it apa2 mslah...don't try to blame other ppl...jgn ingt diri kita sgt bagus n then simply kita tuduh org lain punca mslah
Things happened sometime...beyond our expectation...n sometime is planned to b happened...the cause might be from our is just 5% caused by others...whether it is right or wrong...we just have to accept is not just like a bed of turns up n down just like a wheel..sometime ups n is just like playing football...if hardly work for it..then we will get what we positive..always thinking good...don't battle doesn't always go to the fastest or strongest person..but the winner is the person who think that he/she can do it better n the best for his/her life...may every good thing will always be with us...InsyaAllah...keep on praying...coz Allah knows what is the best thing to His slave...May the good always be with us...n His blessing cherish up our life forever n after...The best thing in life is to seek for blessing stay under the happiness of n after..The main important is just to keep our heart away of the would bring us to the harm...n another thing is just try to be a down to earth person..arrogant would kill us...our life is not judge by the big or luxurious car...or even the biggest house..n land..but it is counted by how kind n generous...our heart to be...Life is not only looking for the other underestimate the other people..the way we we act...portrayed by the way of our thinking...Praying for the best thing ever after to all families n friends....Amin.

My busy days...............

Lately...quite busy with a lot of things to be completed...but always...unfinished!
This thing is done....that thing is pending...then the additional for another awaiting job...this job in progressing...then comes another job...sometime....other person should do it...but the people put it on my shoulder... is just like that..sometime unfair...but when we did
something good..people will just ignore it...but when thing goes wrong...they simply accused our fault...unfair!!!!
Whatever it is just a life...which should go on...n on...n on without any compromise...whether right or wrong...thing is just the same if keep blabbering..muttering...these n those...just accept the things....learn for the experience...n for the better future...undertakings.. GOOD LUCK!!!!heheheh

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Monday, 8 February 2010

Geram...sedih...nak marah....tapi...

Hari ni....betul2 mencabar kewibawaan sebagai seorng
Apa taknya...pelajar saya curi@ambil skema pemarkahan kimia....ntah mcm mana bleh terlepas...nasib baik saya sempat terlintas....untuk cari skima tu....exam paper kimia dah pon lepas...hari budak ni xdtg pagi ni dia dtg jumpa kat makmak nk saya bg la....mula2 saya bg dua2 paper..p1 n diorg nk jwb p1 oklah..saya suruh diorg jawab kat dalam makmal sebelah....saya tinggalkan sebab ada kelas..lagipun bz uruskan untuk meeting ptg td...
Bila habis kelas dgn 4 bestari..saya bergegas ke makmal...sempat saya fkir dah siap la pegi2...dia kata xtanda saya biarkan aja..pastu hati rasa semcm..n tringtkan skema...puas saya cari atas meja...xde..tanya cikgu2 yg ada..pon xde...pastu cikgu yg sorng ni pegi kat budak tu...tanya..mula2 dia mcm nk elak..jawab mcm2...then cgu tu ternampak..apalagi....huhuhuh.Geramnya saya!!!Bila saya tanya..dia kata cikgu tu bg skali dgn kertas p2....ade ke plak! Hurm bila je cgu tu tahu budak tu gunakan nama dia..apa lagi..PENAMPAR FREE la...cakap berbelit2..sudahnya..saya terkilan ..kecewa n xnak cakap byk..saya minta dia buat rasanya mm nk bg 0 utk p1 n p2....menipu!!!!
Entah mcm mana dia leh jumpa skema tu..padahal saya dah sorok!!!!!GERAMNNYA!!!!

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Schooling....n order...

Cross country was successfully done.....although the big lady was created somthing fool this morning...she was doing a mistake but she blamed to students...n oso teachers.....huhuhu haru biru....dia yg pelepas pelajar2...main tekan2 je..pastu marah budak2 lari xdgr arahan dia...then suruh cgu2 panggil balik budak2 yg dah lari hampir 50m dah...dah la ramai....then maki2 cikgu plak...hadui!!!Puan ni mcm2 betullah..tapi best..selesai je tugas aku...meronda...pelajar2 pon dah habis lari...aku masuk tido dalam makmal!!!hahaha best2...mesti ada yg kata aku cgu malas kan...whatever...sebab aku dah siap bincang program dgn PK1..dah draft...n aku sakit kepala...kena panas terik sepanjang mronda tido lah...
bila bangun je...big boss dah bagi bail..awal balik arini..kul 12....lalalalaa
Erm...another tempahan utk kek lapis...
B4 CNY = 2 bj...
CNY= 1+1 bj
after CNY = 4 bj
thanks for supporting me.....

Friday, 5 February 2010

Moral support....spiritual contribution...yeah!

Satisfied!!!!!...At to contribute something...worthwhile..a visit to my late student...died yesterday...2 days coma ...accident..
So I went to give my last see his mom...very strong..
Aku plak yg emo...bila peluk mak dia...bila baca surah Yaasin...kebetulan sampai jenazah sedang after kapankan arwah...aku xperhi dekat...sebab aku bkn seorang yg kuat semangat...aku ni bkn jenis yg leh bg semangat kat orang time mcm gini...aku seorang yg emo...sensitif..huhuhuhu....
Alhamdulillah..aku n students yg ikut..tunggu sehingga selesai jenazah dikebumikan..ditalkinkan...and...I met my ex-teacher...cikgu singgagp jap umah refreshment....rezeki jgn everything went well...n now..preparing reopen home bakery....order for 2moro...lalalalala...

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Baru je selesai baca surah Yaasin....alhamdulillah.....semoga kali ni ibadatku dilipat gandakan....pahalanya...juga buat semua muslimin muslimat...semoga kerja amal kalian...diberikan ganjaran tak ternilai olehNya..
Hari ini agak padat dgn tugas2 di sekolah..bermula dri pagi..seperti biasa..boss memang akan sentiasa mencari aku utk segala macam urusan...termasuk berjumpa ibu bapa yg hadir..wakil bg pihak boss...aku jd spoke-person..kot...tapi byk pengajaran yg membuatkan aku...bersyukur sgt2 dgn apa yg aku dapat...apa yg aku ada hari ni...pak cik-pak cik yg dtg....terima kasih atas kerjasama..insyaAllah..segala yg terbaik akan saya lakukan utk anak2 kalian....tak terdaya utk aku karang di sini segala kisah yg berlaku..yg byk mengajar aku ttg hakikat kehidupan..hakikat kasih ayah n ibu...satu rahsia yg tdk terungkai...
dan ptg ni juga..aku ke SMKA Tok Jiring...menjemput anak buah aku form 1...balik dr asrama...100% yg masih kekal...musalla....lama jgk aku di situ sementara menunggu anak buah aku pakcing barang2....aku sempat menghayati...kawasan2 yg masih ada...byk perubahan...bangunan konkrit gah teguh apa jua perubahan...aku masih menghargai segala jasa selama berada di situ...
Ptg ni jugak..aku terima berita tentang kematian bekas pelajar...aku yg sedang menunggu result SPM...apa yg betul menyentap kesdihan aku....semasa hayat..arwah seorg pelajar yg baik...disenangi guru2 n rakan di sendiri...sememangnya Allah lebih sayangkan dia..berbanding kita...semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...ditempatkan bersamam orang2 beriman..beramal
Esok aku akan bergeas ke rumahnya...sebagai tanda prihatin n sumbangan terakhir aku utknya....sesungguhnya aku sentiasa doakan yg terbaik buat pelajar2 ku....

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The Jovial....!!!!

The jubilant..after last I met my colleague..after a long waiting...a never ending effort to find him...this evening..he stood in front of me...sat opposite me..n had a short conversation but worthwhile......heheheheeh..thanks buddy for coming to see...
Really appreciate the 'dating'...hahahahaahah...
He was my classmate during the matriculation.. after more than 10 years...lost contact...n met again at Facebook...n this evening he dropped by at my place....
Thank you very much!!!!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


Hari ni gelak je manjang..apa taknya....kerenah students ni yg macam2....last periods..before balik...dah habis semua sesi P&P...diorg dah siap wat kije....teacher pn dah siap 15mins to leave...datang la sorang hasil kije Fahmy...(budak ni xdtg sekolah hari ni, kalo dtg..mulut mcm bertih jagung)...nak tau apa?
replika motosikal...hasil cantuman kertas yg digulung2...dilekatkan guna sellotape..pastu pen yg xguna..tutup botol air mineral...complete lah motor tu dia buat...xleh tahan tgok...tergelak besar aku dalam kelas tu..tot nak snap mcm malu lak kat budak2..tu..nnt esok kalo ada lagi benda alah tu aku paste kt sini...alahai Famhy....lucu tol kalo tgok benda tu....hhuhuhuhu...
Ptg td latihan merentas desa...aku???Sempat tertido dalam bilik semayang kat makmak..bangun2 dah kul 4...lengang dah...semua dah balik..budak2 agaknya merentas desa terus ke rumah..aku AJK Peronda KEselamatan..meronda dalam mimpi.heheheh Sabtu ni sekolah...merentas desa peringkat sekolah...hehehhe...best2...Hurm....penat tol hari ni.....