Green n fresh

Green n fresh
Cool the eyesight!!!

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

mE..mY LiFe...& fRiENdS

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Am back!!!!

Huh!!!! after 6.5 hours now in KT....leaving the hectic city....leaving the bitterness back...leaving every drop of tear...along the highway...became the rain drops...wish everything clean n clear now....reaching 2010...hoping everything will be better...don't want to mingle with anything that would harm ....hurt me...KL for almost 4 days...sometime happy...enjoy...but sorrowfully was also there..but now am wake up!!! Something awaken me!!!!! Life goes on....with stronger heart....cold heart???????????????hhehehehehe...may b....wish that 2009 will be ended with a lot of sweet memories to bring forward....n a lot of lessons to be my teacher for the next time....good bye to all....2009...leave me peacefully...please....


  1. Datang KL ke?? nape tak bgtau, boleh jumpe :-)
    anyway zah..doakan yg terbaik untuk masa akan datang, yg penting kena makin dekatkan diri padaNya. Setiap apa yg ditentukan olehNya , pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya. Kita je yg tak nampak..Dia maha mengetahui

  2. Now akak dh tak hntr Khaira ke sekolah lg coz ambik another pembantu. Rasa kesian sgt kat dia sbb dia selalu lapar bila balik tgh hari tuh. kalau akak keje, kena ambik dia petang, lagilah kesian. Bila dia empat tahun nnti, dah pandai jaga diri, bolehlah hantar.
